سلام و مرحبا

أقوم المسالك، مدوّنتكم لما وراء الأخبار السّياسيّة و كلّ ما يهمّ الشّأن العام.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Stop stressing racist people!

Most modern societies are said to be post-racial. This statement is absurd! In fact all we need is some more good racism.
Nobody is hanging dead from tress, it is hard to find burning crosses in yards and nobody is called a negro anymore. Nevertheless, statistics continue to show that minorities are lagging at the bottom of the social ladder. I don't like numbers much, but poverty statistics, joblessness and jail population are flagrant showcases: racism was not eradicated. 
If anything, it has undergone plastic surgery! Political correctness just places limitation on racist people. This lack of expression space does not "cleanse" them from hatred. Rather it pushes them to integrate the "mainstream". Thus the public sphere is infected with this "implicit" smarter racism. 
Anti-immigrant platforms and laws pertinent to "the war on drugs" are examples of the political scene being infected with this. Representations of minorities in Hollywood are just another example of this implicit racism.  
Stop stressing racist people! 
Instead we should allow them the freedom to say it like it is. Potentially, we are going to be shocked with the amount of ignorance and hatred that some still hold. Still, we would be able to contemplate our society under the light of truth and with a bit less makeup. 
By allowing them a degree of freedom of expression and not action, racist people will be easier to determine. They will also be less inclined to hide their venom and spread it hidden under layers of euphemisms and deceit. 
Don't hide racism, face it! 

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