سلام و مرحبا

أقوم المسالك، مدوّنتكم لما وراء الأخبار السّياسيّة و كلّ ما يهمّ الشّأن العام.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Childish Dilemmas: Of horses, Macbooks and acclaim

Since my earliest age, this has intrigued me!
In horse races, when a horse wins, the rider gets the credits.
I always thought that it was fundamentally unfair and unjust (when I was a kid I had less sophisticated words I must admit :p ). I did appreciate that the jockey has a certain level of input and that input was decisive. But to me it seemed like the horse is the one doing the moving and the hardcore breathing is the horse!
Today, when we think of apple products and other fancy electronic apparel, we always reward Steve jobs and the brand name for these silky beautiful apparel. We never think of the Chinese workers in the foxconn factories actually making your macbook. Thousands of Immigrant workers from the countryside, whom sufferings all too often amount to suicide, are in fact making your Ipod. Do you think they should get some of the credit?

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