سلام و مرحبا

أقوم المسالك، مدوّنتكم لما وراء الأخبار السّياسيّة و كلّ ما يهمّ الشّأن العام.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

17th of December: A day to celebrate

On this same day, the largest emancipation movement in the century started in the small country of Tunisia. The Arab revolution (spring) is shaping a new world order, where justice gives solid basis to sustainable piece (exp: read about the Gaza seize-fire). 
In this memorable day, we are invited to contemplate the events beyond rhetoric. We are invited to consider where we, as individuals stand. Which side do I identify with? How did I help? All questions worth asking. Happy revolution day.

**To get informed, involved about the post revolutionary transitions, the ongoing struggles keep following this blog for the next series: "Beyond rhetoric: The state of the Arab-revolution". 

Revolutionary love,

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